Student Life

It's So Much More than a School!

Webb’s vibrant, educational community brings together all aspects of the boarding school experience—classes, beyond-the-campus learning, including The Claremont Colleges, California national and state parks, paleo digs, traditions and ceremonies, community dinners, and exciting evening and weekend events. There’s always something exciting going on at Webb.

Residential life is a key component of a Webb education. Students make friendships that last a lifetime as we educate and prepare them for the future. Supported by a robust advisory program, with individual advisors and advisory groups with whom students meet frequently, every student knows that they are a valued member of the community. Advisory groups are trusted peers who form tight bonds of support for both academic and non-academic issues.

Day students participate in all activities.

Leadership opportunities abound! From sitting on the Honor Council to Student Government, leading a school club, and participating in the arts and athletics, there’s truly something for everyone at Webb. Students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, whether that’s robotics, dance, or a new sport (water polo, anyone?). Webb’s teachers and coaches are experts in working with high school-aged students and strive to make learning fun, engaging, and appropriately challenging.

To our students and alumni, Webb is their home—we invite you to join us!

A Day in the Life of a Boarding Student
As told by Stephanie ’25

7:30 AM My alarm usually goes off at 7:30, and I take my time getting out of bed. I usually get ready for school, get dressed, brush my teeth, pack my backpack and check my emails. Afterward, I go eat breakfast at the dining hall.

8:30 AM First class of the day starts at 8:30, and each class lasts 80 minutes. Since Webb uses a rotating block schedule, the first class of the day is different everyday! My favorite humanities class has been Advanced Studies Experimental Literature, where we learned about unconventional and innovative forms of literature as well as the history behind them. This class had a lot of experimental projects, and truly broadened my mindset on what it means to create literature. Humanities classes at Webb are often discussion and project based.

9:50 AM After the first class, there is a 40-minute period. Every day, a different activity or session takes place. Once a week, we have advisory on this time slot. Advisory is made up of 7-8 students in your grade level, and each advisory has a faculty advisor. Advisory is a time to relax with peers, and usually we have a snack and some sort of announcement for the week.

10:30 AM This block is the second class of the day! I take Honors Journalism as my elective, where I write and edit for the school newspaper, the Webb Canyon Chronicle. Typically, the newsroom is very collaborative. Students work both in groups as well as by themselves to produce articles, media pieces, and news coverage for the publication.

11:50 AM Lunch time! I typically find my friends after class and we eat lunch together in the dining hall. There are so many options in the dining hall during lunch, but my favorite is the Global Station where a different dish from around the world is served every day.

12:40 AM For the last class of the day, I take Advanced Studies Anatomy and Physiology as my science class. In this class, we learn about the human anatomy, the different parts that make it up, and how they function together. This class is very interactive, primarily made of projects and labs.

2:00 PM After class, there is a 40-minute period of office hours where we are able to meet with teachers to receive help with school assignments. I go to office hours frequently, whether it is to ask for feedback on a summative or to ask questions about something we covered in class.

3:00 PM After office hours, every Webb student goes to their afternoon activity or sports practice. I do technical theater and typically spend this time prepping for our theater productions, rehearsing and programming lights.

5:30 PM After theater, I eat dinner at the dining hall. This is typically down time, so I spend it relaxing and hanging out before heading to my dorm.

7:30 PM At 7:30 every night, all boarding students check in at their dorm. Students also have the option to go to academic labs, which is another academic support option where students meet with on-duty teachers to receive help with schoolwork. The Fawcett Library and Stockdale Community Center are also open during this time, so sometimes I bring a couple of friends to study with me in the library.

9:00 PM At 9PM, we check back into our dorms again. Every night, there is an on-duty faculty in our dorms to check in with us. I typically talk to some dormmates, get homework done, and wind down before I go to bed.

11:00 PM On a normal weekday, I go to bed at 11PM – I get good rest before doing it all again the next day!

A Day in the Life of a Day Student
As told by Hanbo ’25

7:45 AM I’m a day student who lives ten minutes away from campus, so I typically wake up a little less than one hour before school. I usually leave the house around 8 o’clock and arrive at school around 8:15. I then grab a quick bite and a cup of coffee before attending my first class.

8:30 AM The first blocks at Webb always begin at 8:30, and so this is also when I have my first class. I often bring a cup of coffee with me to class to sip slowly.

9:50 AM The first blocks at Webb end at 9:50, as we have 80-minute classes. I would usually head to the Price Dining Hall to grab a quick bite of food—usually a granola bar—and I then head up to the Vivian Webb Chapel to listen to a senior give their chapel talk. Chapel typically begins at 10:00 AM, but I usually get there a few minutes earlier because I play the chapel piano.

10:30 AM I go to my second class of the day. I didn’t have a large breakfast, but it's almost lunch time!

11:50 AM It’s time for lunch! I head over to the Price Dining Hall, making sure to enter from the leftmost door so that I can get a peak at the Global Station. I would then walk over to the buffet station to see which option is better and then decide whether or not I would like to head back to the Global Station. If not, I usually walk across the dining hall—skipping the salad bar!—and grab a sandwich at the Panini Grill or the Noodle Bar. There’s also really good food at Al’s Patio below the Dining Hall, but I usually forget about it because of all the options available in the Dining Hall. After lunch, I usually go over to the library to chat with my friends for a bit before class or sit on the sofas and relax for a little.

12:40 AM This is when the third class at Webb begins on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Class starts forty minutes later on Mondays and Wednesdays.

2:00 PM The last class of the day just ended! I would usually then go to one of my teacher’s office hours, either for extra support or to ask clarifying questions. Other times I would stay in the library and relax for a little with my friends. I usually prefer the library over the Stockdale Community Center because its usually pretty noisy over there!

2:40 PM Office hours usually end around this time. If it were wrestling season, I would then go change into my sports clothes to get ready for wrestling practice. But more recently, during the Spring, I would then grab my stuff and head over to the theater to get ready for musical rehearsals.

5:30 PM Afternoon activities end, and I head over to the Dining Hall for dinner. I usually eat all three meals in the Dining Hall, even though I’m a day student, because I think it’s a really great chance to have sometime with my friends after a busy day of school. Chatting over dinner is a great way to bond.

6:30 PM I usually go home at this time.

7:00 PM I try to start homework as early as possible so that I can get sometime to do other non-school related stuff. Homework usually takes about two to three hours for juniors, so it usually takes me until ten, give or take an hour depending on whether or not I procrastinate or get distracted.

8:30 PM I usually take a break after a few hours of homework to play some music. I’m a clarinetist and a pianist, so I try to squeeze in at least a little practice every day depending on how much homework I have. I usually try to get a total of 90 minutes in there every day with both instruments combined.

10:00 PM I take a shower and get back to homework.

12:30 PM Ideally, I try to sleep at this time. But it varies a bit day to day depending on homework amount and whether or not I get distracted while doing work!
    • students meeting with their advisor next to a pond
    • students sitting by a campfire on Catalina beach
    • students talk outside under a blue sky at a booth at the club fair
    • Dia de los muertos
    • Jones Dorm room
    • Webb dining hall at lunch

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