
Alumni Awards

Recognizing Our Alumni 

Each year The Webb Schools recognizes alumni who have made notable contributions to the Schools and our community. They are presented in celebration at Alumni Weekend each fall.
If you have any questions about the Alumni Awards program, please contact the Alumni Office at or (909) 445-8253. 

Alumni Awards

The Alumni Awards represent the highest distinction bestowed on alumni of The Webb Schools. The program aims to instill an appreciation of Webb’s past and how a Webb education can be utilized. Recipients exemplify one or more core principles of Webb’s mission:
  • Think boldly, mindfully, and creatively,
  • Act with honor and moral courage,
  • Lead with distinction,
  • Serve with a generous spirit.
Submit a nomination by June 30, 2025 to be considered for the 2025 Awards program.
Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award

The Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award pays tribute to alumni who best exemplify the core values of their school’s motto:

Webb School of California:
Principes non Homines, “Leaders not ordinary men”
Vivian Webb School:
Sapientia Amicitia Atque Honor, “Wisdom, Friendship and Honor”


Nominees will have demonstrated one or more of the following:
  • Significant success and/or prominence in their professional career or vocation bringing honor to themselves and to Webb.
  • Exemplary service to the local, national or global community.
  • Affinity for his/her alma mater
Recipients will be chosen based on the answers to the following questions:
  • How has this nominee had a major impact on the profession and/or community in which he/she has been active?
  • In what ways have the nominee’s achievements been truly extraordinary?
  • What is the nominee’s level of engagement with the School
Nominees who are not selected are still eligible for the next four years and do not need to resubmit an entry.

List of 1 items.

  • View Past Recipients

    2014: Christian Holmes ’64
    2015: Louis Mayberg ’80
    2016: Jon Congdon ’81
    2017: Garland Reiter ’72 & Dr. Katy Carr White ’87
    2018: Blake Brown ’68 & Dr. Sandra Lee Rebish ’88
    2019: Guilford C. Babcock ’49 & Col. John S. Rogers, USAF (Ret.) ’59
    2020: Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpong ’93 and Blake Johnson ’95
    2021: Jenn Louis ’89 and Sameer Dholakia ’91
    2022: John Scalzi ’87
    2023: Richard Kron ’68
Colborn Distinguished Service Award

Named in honor of Ken Colborn ’47, the Colborn Distinguished Service Award pays tribute to an alumnus/a in recognition of selfless commitment and ongoing volunteer service to The Webb Schools and/or Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.

  • Distinguished and significant volunteer service to Webb and/or the Alf Museum
  • Service is over an extended period or for a specific project or activity
Recipients will be chosen based on the answers to the following questions:
  • In what ways has the nominee served Webb and the alumni community?
  • In what ways has this service been outstanding?
  • How has this service benefitted the institution?
  • Has this service been sustained over an extended period of time?
Nominees who are not selected are still eligible for the next four years, and do not need to resubmit an entry.

List of 2 items.

  • View Past Recipients

    2013: Ken Colborn ’47
    2014: Jim Hall ’59

    2015: Dick Lynas ’55

    2016: Dodd Fischer ’61 and Peter Ziegler ’63

    2017: H. Earl “Bud” Hoover ’52, Kimball McCloud ’67 & Janel Henriksen Hastings ’87
    2018: John A. Sutro Jr. ’53 & Jim Drasdo ’63
    2019: Miles R. Rosedale ’69 & Dr. Christina Mercer McGinley ’84
    2020: Larry Ashton ’70
    2021: Bill Ripley ’60
    2022: Chip Greening ’62
    2023: Rick Clarke ’63
  • About Ken Colborn '47

    During his lifetime, Ken Colborn (1929-2013) served The Webb Schools with a generous heart for over 60 years. His involvement in the life of the schools is too vast to completely recount, but selection of his important roles included:
    • Three-term President and former member of the Alumni
    • Council Honorary Chair of Webb’s 75th Anniversary
    • Celebration Chair of Alumni Weekend, beginning in 1982
    • Reunion Committee Chair on numerous occasions, including the 50-Plus Reunions 
    • Webb Fund class agent
    • Member of the 1991 Long Range Planning Committee
    • Development/Marketing Committee Member
    • Alumni Commission
    • Thompson and Vivian Webb Society member
    • In October 2013, Ken was honored at the Alumni Weekend festivities as the first recipient of the Colborn Distinguished Service Award
Young Alumni Rising Star Award

The Young Alumni Rising Star Award recognizes individuals up to their 15th reunion. Recipients will be selected based on one or more of the following criteria:
  • Does nominee have notable achievements in his or her chosen field?
  • Has nominee used their success to bring good to their community?
  • What is the nominee’s level of engagement with the School?

List of 1 items.

  • View Past Recipients

    2014: Stephanie Ho ’04
    2015: Micol “Mimi” Issa ’05
    2016: Jack Wiese ’06
    2017: Jessica Dholakia ’07
    2018: Gabe Romero ’08
    2019: Pilar Mitchell-Campbell ’04
    2020: Noreen Lysette Barcena ’05
    2021: Ariel Fan ’10
    2022: Summer Swee-Singh ’07
    2023: Sasha Wijeyeratne ’08

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