
Endowed Funds

As funds held in perpetuity, endowments generate revenue for scholarships, educational programs, athletics, faculty enrichment, and many other areas critical to the success of the schools and museum. A generous endowment gives an institution confidence that it can remain true to its mission regardless of a challenging economy. The Board of Trustees currently uses a 4.0% payout rate for Webb and a 5.0% payout rate for the Alf Museum. All funds above this amount are reinvested for continued growth as a hedge against inflation. Endowed funds are managed by Goldman Sachs & Co., a global leader in investment research, strategy, and management. We are forever grateful to the individuals and families listed below whose generosity secures the future of The Webb Schools and the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
Endowment fund categories reflect the greater of the book or market value. This list is up to date as of 6/30/2024.
FUNDS OVER $5,000,000

Bertha M. Lynch Principes Scholarship
Established in 1990 by Wayne (Skip) Hanson ’59, Robert M. Hanson ’62, and their father, Wayne A. Hanson, to provide scholarship support. The fund is named in memory of the Hanson’s maternal grandmother.

FUNDS OVER $3,000,000
The Mary Stuart Rogers Endowed Scholarship
The Mary Stuart Rogers Scholar Program began in 1995 with a generous gift from Col. John ’59 and June Rogers and the Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation. Since its beginning and because of the tremendous generosity of the Rogers family, the Rogers Scholar Program has grown from six to more than 20 students each and every year. To become a Rogers Scholar an individual must: demonstrate admirable qualities of character; demonstrate a strong work ethic and potential for academic achievement; demonstrate leadership potential among his/her peers; and contribute positively to the spirit and life of the schools through athletics, the arts, publications, and other activities.
FUNDS OVER $1,000,000
Raymond M. Alf Inspirational and Unbounded Teaching Chair in Science
Funded by Robert A. Hefner III ’53 in 1998 in honor of Ray Alf, this fully endowed chair provides a competitive salary and benefits package to an innovative, energetic, and unbounded science teacher.
The Raymond M. Alf Peccary Society Chair
Established in 1999 by the Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation, this chair supports the development of new and expanded programs that provide Webb students with unique educational opportunities in paleontology and scientific research, and also supports the museum director’s work with Webb students in the field, the lab, and the classroom. This gift was made possible by Col. John ’59 and June Rogers.
Augustyn Family Curator of Paleontology & Research Fund
Established in 2011 by Alf Museum trustee Gretchen Augustyn P ’89 and her family to fully endow the salary of the curator at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology and also support the museum’s research work with Webb students and the scientific community at large.
John M. Bryan ’43 Endowed Scholarship
Established in 1995 to provide scholarship support.
Class of ’63 Scholarship Fund
Established to support scholarships for deserving students.
The Crean Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 by The Crean Foundation of Newport Beach, California to provide scholarships to deserving students. This support was made possible by the Crean family, and in part by parent and Crean Foundation board member Susan Thomas P ’05, ’09.
The Endowed Fund for Physical Plant Excellence
Begun with a gift from an anonymous donor, this fund will grow with gifts from this donor and others who wish to ensure that Webb always has the means to refresh, improve and upgrade its distinctive and beautiful foothill campus.
The William and Olga Guptill Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by William and Olga Guptill P ’85 to provide scholarship support to deserving students.
Robert A. Hefner III ’53 Endowment for Excellence in Science
Established in 1998 to provide annual support for five specific science-related initiatives to ensure that Webb forever remains at the forefront of science education.
Anonymous Fund
FUNDS UP TO $1,000,000
Otis Booth ’40 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by The Otis Booth Foundation in memory of Otis Booth ’40 to provide scholarship support.
The Michael ’92 and Alicia Chang Scholarship
Established in 2012 by Michael Chang ’92 and his wife in honor of his 20th reunion to provide financial assistance to a deserving Webb School of California boarder.
Class of ’69 Scholarship Fund
Founded in 1994 in honor of Les and Barbara Perry, this fund provides scholarship support for a student who displays excellence in the classroom and on the athletic field.
Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2005 by the Class of 1970 in celebration of their 35th reunion to provide financial aid to a deserving student.
Collegiate School Scholarship Fund
Established in 1986 to provide scholarship support to Vivian Webb School by the trustees of Claremont Collegiate School (formerly Girls’ Collegiate School) after the school closed.
The Pravina Dholakia Scholarship Fund
Established in 2002 by Sanjiv Dholakia ’87 & Melissa Barnes Dholakia ’87, P ’21 and Sameer Dholakia ’91 in honor of their mother to provide scholarship support to a deserving Vivian Webb School student.
The Carroll and Linda Duncan Fund
Established in 2021 by a generous estate gift from Carroll and Linda Duncan P ’87 to support boarding students.
Fawcett Library Plant Endowment
This endowment was made possible by life trustee Mrs. W.R. Fawcett in 1989 for the ongoing support of the W. Russell Fawcett Memorial Library.
Dodd Fischer ’61 Endowment Fund
Established in 2005 by Dodd Fischer ’61 and his wife, Nancy, to provide unrestricted support to The Webb Schools.
Catherine Garrison Fund
Established in 1983 by Anne Garrison Gould, life trustee and founding Vivian Webb School trustee, in memory of her mother, to provide scholarship support for Vivian Webb students.
The Hall Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2012 by Dr. James E. Hall ’59 and his wife, Dr. Jean R. Hall, to honor the memory of their parents, George and Sally Hall and Raymond and Dorothy Rogers. The fund commemorates the special friendship between George Johnson Hall and Thompson Webb that made it possible for Jim to attend Webb.
The Clifford S. Heinz ’37 Ethical Education Program
Established in 1999 by Clifford S. Heinz ’37 to support the key aspect of Webb’s mission and its most important educational objective, character development.
The Wendy and William Hornbuckle Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by Wendy and Bill Hornbuckle P ’19, this fund allows Webb to attract and support Webb students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference for students from the greater Las Vegas, Nevada community.
Hu Family Endowed Fund for Faculty Support
Established in 2018 by Mr. Bingfeng Hu and Mrs. Qunya Hu, parents of Frank ’20 and Daniel ’23, to honor their family, this fund will contribute to faculty salaries and professional development.
Trowbridge W. Kirk ’54 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 to honor the memory of Trowbridge “Toby” Kirk ’54, the fund provides scholarship support for Webb School of California students.
The Donald L. Lofgren Endowed Director’s Chair
Established in 2019 with a lead gift by Ken De Nault ’61 in honor of Don Lofgren to endow the Director of the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology position. Since the fund was first established, it has received gifts from alumni, parents and friends across the decades in honor of Dr. Lofgren.
Keith Wilson Loring ’46 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by Keith Loring ’46 to provide scholarship support for Webb School of California students.
The Louis M. Mayberg ’80 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2005 by Louis Mayberg ’80 to provide scholarship support.
Lluella Morey Murphey Scholarship Endowment
Established in 1983 to provide scholarship support, this fund was made possible in part by Alfred B. Hastings, Jr. ’42.
Les and Barbara Perry Faculty Enrichment Fund
Established in 1995 to honor Les and Barbara Perry with the creation of the “Perry Awards,” presented to deserving faculty who embody the Perry legacy.
Reitler Scholarship Endowment
Established in 2004 by Paul ’54 and Mary Reitler to provide scholarship support.
Snite Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 by the Fred B. Snite Foundation to provide scholarship support to a deserving student. This support was made possible in part by alumnus and Snite Foundation board member Lance Williams ’97.
FUNDS UP TO $250,000
The 21st Century Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by Snigdha and Deval Dvivedi ’00, with additional gifts from Sandeep Madhavan ’99 and members of Webb’s Classes from 2000 to the present to provide financial aid to future generations of deserving students.
Ahmanson Teaching Endowment
Created with grants from The Ahmanson Foundation in 1990 and 1996 to provide resources for faculty support.
The Alamo Fund
Established in 2017 by Dodd Fischer ’61, this endowed maintenance fund provides for upkeep and renewal of The Alamo, a home away from home for many Webb students. The fund was created to honor four of Dodd’s lifelong friends and classmates: Andrew Branscome ’61, a southern gentleman who championed the rights of man; twin brothers Don ’61 and John Girard ’61, who had a combined 94 years of service as medical doctors; and Samuel Zemurray III ’61, another southern gentleman and cattle expert who helped others less fortunate receive independent educations.
The Alumni Endowed Fund for Equity and Support
Established in 2023 by the Board of Trustees, in an ongoing effort to sustain a sense of inclusion and belonging in the Webb community, this fund provides additional resources to ensure all Webb students have access to the full breadth of the Webb experience.
Appleby Endowed Scholarship Fund for Student Diversity
Established in 1996 by Carlton Appleby ’41 to support scholarships.
Appleby Maintenance Fund
Established in 1987 by Carlton Appleby ’41 in honor of his mother, Jerene Appleby Harnish, to provide for the ongoing care of Appleby Dormitory.
Olive W. and Bruce P. Baganz Fund for Geology
Established in 2021 by Terry and Bruce Baganz to support geology education at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology. The fund will support Museum staff professional development in geology, field trips, Museum classroom technology with direct application to geology, support for geology library materials, outside speakers and programs on science-based geology organized by the Museum, paleontology laboratory support, classroom materials on geology in conjunction with Museum designation, support for geology-based Museum research, and more.
The C.J. Peter Bennett ’40 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by C.J. Peter Bennett ’40 in honor of his 75th reunion to provide financial aid to a deserving student.
The Adam Cave ’12 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by the Class of 2012 in memory of their classmate Adam Cave ’12 at the time of their 5th reunion, with additional support from alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and friends.
The Kenneth Clarke, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Established by Richard P. Clarke ’63, in honor of his father, this fund allows The Webb Schools to attract and support the best and brightest and most diverse young men and women who wish to build on an established foundation of personal integrity, hard work, and personal achievement.
Class of ’39 Fund
Established to support the sciences.
Class of 1962 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2012 by Bruce Rule ’62, Jim Moore ’62, and Stephen Shafer ’62, in honor of their 50th reunion to provide scholarship support.
Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1965 in honor of their 50th reunion to provide scholarship support.
Class of ’74 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 by the Class of 1974 in honor of their 40th reunion to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
Class of 1980 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1980 in honor of their 35th reunion to provide scholarship support.
Robert L. Connolly Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
In 2018 in honor of his 30th reunion, Robert “Bob” L. Connolly ’89 with his wife, Nancy Tung, created this fund in memory of Bob’s father, Robert L. Connolly, Sr., who taught at The Webb Schools from 1982 to 1991 and was a dedicated math teacher to his son and many of his son's peers. This fund will provide financial aid for future generations of Webb students.
Marvin S. Corwin Endowment
Established in 1992 from the estate of Marvin S. Corwin, father of Nicholas ’84, to endow a speaker's program for Webb School of California.
James T. Demetriades ’80 Endowed Prize For Unbounded Teaching
Established in 2005 by James Demetriades ’80 in honor of his 25th reunion, the prize is awarded annually to a Webb teacher for the most innovative and creative course, program, or approach that fosters a hearty appetite for the joys of unbounded thinking and learning among students
and others.
The Ding Family Endowed Fund
Established in honor of their children, Jian Ding and Yi Wang P ’24, ’28, ’28 created The Ding Family Fund to provide perpetual unrestricted operating funds to Webb to enhance its operations and secure its future.
The John Duden Class of ’81 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 by members of the Class of 1981 in honor of their 25th reunion to support scholarships for deserving students. In 2018, the fund was renamed by the Class of 1981 to honor the memory of their devoted classmate.
The David D. Fawcett ’61 & Diane C. Wilsdon Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 by members of the Class of 1961 in honor and recognition of their classmate’s extraordinary 39-year career and his wife’s 30-year career as Webb faculty members and presented at their retirement.
David Fleishhacker '55 Research Award in Paleontology
Established in 2019 by David Fleishhacker ’55 and his wife, Victoria, to support student research at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
Mortimer Fleishhacker ’50 Endowed Arts Fund
Established in 2012 by Françoise Fleishhacker in honor of her late husband. The purpose of the endowed fund is to provide ongoing annual programmatic support for the arts at Webb. It is intended to create supplemental income to increase the arts budget so faculty can enhance production capabilities, concerts, exhibits, hire professional guest artists, etc.
Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund
Established in 1994 to support faculty enrichment.
Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund
Established in 1984 with a matching grant to support scholarships.
The Forney Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2018 by John and Jai Forney, Jonathan Forney ’02, and Christopher Forney ’03 to provide financial aid to families in extreme need. Preference will be given to students from the following geographic regions in priority order: 1) East Los Angeles or South Central Los Angeles; 2) Small town rural America as defined by populations under 50,000.
The John and Madeline Frampton Fund for Staff Enrichment
Established in 2023 to honor the legacy of John and Madeline Frampton, the Frampton Fund celebrates members of The Webb Schools’ staff for their dedication and hard work and their achievements both small and large.
The Fund to Support Arts and Sciences
Established in 2021 by Chris Wu and Elizabeth Deng P ’23 to provide resources to sustain Webb’s excellence in the arts and sciences, specifically paleontology, biology, music, math, and humanities.
The Gao/Li Family Fund for Faculty Development and Support
Moved by the long and meaningful career of Jim Dahler, Liangyu Gao and Kun Li P ’26 created this fund to thank and support teachers for dedicating their life to the profession. Designated funding supports Webb’s faculty sabbatical program. The fund allows faculty paid time off for research and creative activities, travel, development of new curriculum or programs, acquisition of new skills, and more.
The Greening Family Scholarship Fund
Established by Chip Greening ’62 and his wife Toni to honor their family’s multi-generational Webb experience, the purpose of this need-based scholarship is to maintain and increase the diversity of the school’s student body by providing access to a top-notch education for underserved communities.
The Guo Family Fund for Academic Excellence
Established in 2020 by Lily Chen P ’22 in memory of her husband, Kai Guo, to provide resources to support and sustain Webb’s academic excellence and innovative curriculum. This fund touches all aspects of campus life through the purchase of classroom and lab equipment, technology, campus beautification and safety, food and housing for students and faculty, and general maintenance.
The Robert ’62 and Susan Hanson Family Student Activity Fund
Established in 2015 by Susan Hanson to honor her husband, Robert ’62, and daughter, Kate ’90, this fund will allow Webb students with financial need the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of special weekend and afterschool activities, as well as support the cost of educational travel opportunities year-round.
Alfred B. Hastings, Jr. ’42 Athletic Fund
Established in 1978 to support the athletic program at Webb School of California.
Alfred B. Hastings, Jr. ’42 Guest Cottage Fund
Established in 1993 to furnish and endow the guest cottage.
William Griffith Henshaw III ’41 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 to honor the memory of William Griffith Henshaw III ’41 and his family’s multi-generational Webb experience.
Higbie Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 1983 by Harley G. Higbie ’43 to provide scholarship support.
Bernard & Yolande Horwitz Scholarship Fund
Established in 1999 from the estate of Yolande Horwitz to support Vivian Webb School scholarships.
The Alvin ’93 and Jacinta Hung Scholarship Fund
Established in 2021 by Alvin ’93 and Jacinta Hung to provide scholarship support to deserving students and their families.
Ip Family Student Leadership Development Fund
Established in 2008 by Regina Ip Lau, in honor of her daughter Cynthia ’08, this fund supports training opportunities for student leaders such as travel to regional and national conferences, leadership development retreats, special speakers and other opportunities that foster leadership skills.
The Curtis C. Kaufman ’47 Scholarship Fund
Established by Monique Kaufman in memory of her husband, this fund provides scholarship support to deserving students.
The King Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by Mrs. Si Wai “Shirley” Ng in honor of her son, Hoi Kai “Bill” King ’19, upon the occasion of his graduation. The fund provides scholarships to deserving students and their families.
Sherwood and Rona Kingsley Trust
Established in 2019 by Sherwood Kingsley ’58 and his wife, Rona, to support student research at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Fund
Established in 1982 with a gift from the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation to provide scholarship support.
Li Family Endowed Fund
Established in 2016 in honor of Cecilia Li ’20 by her parents, Mr. Lixin Li and Mrs. Shihong Peng, to benefit the programs and operation of the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
Ann R. Longley Fund
Established in 1984 to honor the founding headmistress of Vivian Webb School, the fund’s purpose is to assist VWS students who exhibit outstanding leadership potential.
Stephen R. Longley Fund
Established in 1979 in honor of the third headmaster of Webb School of California to provide scholarship support.
The Jeffrey A. Luhnow ’84 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by Jeffrey A. Luhnow ’84 on the occasion of his 35th reunion to provide scholarships to deserving students.
Edward F. Mansfield ’37 Endowment
In memory of Edward (or Ned as his friends knew him), a member of the class of 1937 and an early student and a lifelong friend of Ray Alf, the Mansfield Endowment provides support for the field research, exhibit, and outreach programs of the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
George H. Mayr Fund
Established with a challenge grant in 1986 to create scholarships.
Laurence McMillin Excellence in Teaching Award
Established in 2005 in honor of former faculty member Laurence McMillin and his wife, Marguerite, for their many years of service to The Webb Schools.
Jean E. Miller Excellence in Teaching Award
Named in honor of the second headmistress of Vivian Webb School, the fund was established in 1987 by The Affiliates of The Webb Schools to recognize and reward distinguished teaching.
Miranda Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by Rodrigo, Sr. and Iona Miranda, parents of Cristobal ’95, Rodrigo, Jr. ’98, and Mariana ’98, to support scholarships.
Ouyang Family Humanities Fund
Established in 2019 by Mr. Chao Ouyang and Mrs. Yanni Chen to honor their son, YiYi ’21. This fund supports professional development for faculty in the humanities department.
Ouyang Family Math Faculty Development Fund
Established in 2018 by Mr. Chao Ouyang and Mrs. Yanni Chen to honor their son, YiYi ’21. The fund supports math teachers attending national conferences, having release time or grants for curriculum development, technology training, graduate school education, and more.
Ouyang Family Orchestra Fund
Established in 2018 by Mr. Chao Ouyang and Mrs. Yanni Chen to honor their son, YiYi ’21. The fund ensures that Webb has the necessary resources to sustain its excellence in instrumental music. Use of the funds supports purchases and maintenance of equipment, sheet music and literature, field trips, and general program support.
The Jacques and Mimi Pauwels Fund for Excellence in World Languages and Cultures
Created in 2015 by Eric Pauwels ’79 in honor of his parents, the Pauwels Fund provides support for teacher and student development in the area of World Languages and Cultures.
The Coach Dan Pride Fund
Established in 2008 by the Wray and Dey families, the Coach Dan Pride Fund provides support to honor and recognize outstanding student-athletes through the Dan Pride Award, given annually to both a VWS and WSC student who characterize hard work, determination, and dedication in the athletic arena.
Quon Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 by Ronald Quon ’55 to honor his father and family, this fund provides scholarship support that allows Webb to attract the best and brightest and most diverse students from across the nation.
Reader’s Digest Endowed Scholarship
Established in 1981 to provide scholarship support.
Reynolds Peccary Endowment Fund
Established in 2000 with a gift from Daniel ’63 and Cecilia Reynolds to provide support for the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology peccary program.
Hugh and Mary A. Rose Endowment for the Alf Museum
Established in 2022 by Hugh and Mary A. Rose to support the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology.
Virginia Sadler Toomay Scholarship Fund
Established in 2005 by General John C. Toomay ’39 in honor of his wife, Virginia, to provide scholarship support to Vivian Webb School.
Renee Leora Shaw ’00 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 by Ralph and Elba Shaw in honor of their daughter, Renee ’00, to provide scholarship support.
The Taylor and Anne Stockdale Fund for Community Life
Established by the Board of Trustees in 2023, the Taylor and Anne Stockdale Fund for Community Life honors and celebrates Taylor and Anne Stockdale for their extraordinary legacy of building community over 35 years at Webb. This fund is dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being of students, faculty, and staff by providing resources and opportunities for meaningful engagement. It supports a wide range of activities, such as organizing community service projects, cultural celebrations, and extracurricular clubs. Additionally, proceeds from this fund will be used to support the maintenance of the Taylor B. Stockdale Community Center. By nurturing a strong sense of belonging and encouraging social connections, the Stockdale Fund enriches the Webb experience and cultivates a spirit of unity and mutual support within the school community.
Student Activity Fund
Established by the Class of 2008 as part of their senior gift with additional gifts from the Classes of 1988 and 1990 in honor of their 20th reunions. The fund aims to assist financial aid students with extra-curricular costs, such as expenses related to senior trips, weekend activities, Unbounded Days, peccary trips, or community service outings. So many memorable Webb experiences happen outside the classroom, and the goal of this fund is to make these activities accessible to as many Webb students as possible.
The Sun Family Fund for Performing Arts
Established in 2019 by LiangLiang Sun ’06 and the Sun family in support of the Orchestra and Chamber Singers Programs. The fund will ensure that Webb has the necessary resources to sustain its excellence in instrumental music and vocal performance. 
Thornton Family Teaching Chair
Established in 1994 with gifts from the Flora L. Thornton Foundation and W. Laney Thornton ’63.
John Trefethen ’62 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2012 by John Trefethen ’62 in honor of his 50th reunion to support the economic diversity of the Webb community through financial aid scholarships.
The Tsui Family Athletic Endowment
Established in 2011 by Dr. Fung Tsui and Ms. Chiu Fai Wong in honor of their son, Davis ’13, to provide operational support for the golf program.
Annis Van Nuys Schweppe Book Fund
Established in 1971 by the I.N. and Susanna H. Van Nuys Foundation for book purchases.
Leslys & Jim Vedder ’45 Scholarship Fund
Created in memory of James Forest Vedder, Ph.D. ’45 by his wife, Leslys, to provide scholarships for students interested in scientific study.
The Alexandra Wang ’27 Fund for Faculty Excellence
Established by Rick and Fiona Wang P ’27, The Alexandra Wang ’27 Fund supports the lives and professional work of Webb’s faculty. Funds may be used to ensure faculty development is available to all Webb educators. Examples include professional growth activities, curriculum development grants, life enrichment activities, and special campus home improvements.
Vivian Webb School Scholarship Fund
This fund is composed of numerous gifts directed to scholarships for the Vivian Webb School.
VWS Athletic Fund
Established in 2008 by parents Dan Edwards and Robin Su-Edwards, John and Andrea Fuelling, and Arthur and Linda Cormier, this fund supports the Vivian Webb School athletic program.
Wang Family Fund for Math and Science
Established in 2019 by Wen Wang and Weiping Chen P ’21 to support the math and science departments at Webb.
The Webb and VWS Class of 1992 Scholarship Fund
Created by the Class of ’92 in honor of their 25th reunion, this fund will allow The Webb Schools to attract and support the best and brightest and most diverse young men and women who wish to build on an established foundation of personal integrity, hard work, and personal achievement.
Webb School of California Scholarship Fund
This fund is composed of numerous gifts directed to scholarships for Webb School of California.
Rick Whyte ’57 VWS Student Athlete Fund
Established in 2013 through the estate of alumnus and lifelong faculty member Frederick E. Whyte ’57 to provide scholarships for student-athletes at Vivian Webb School.
Lance C. Williams ’97 Endowment Fund
Established in 2014 by former museum trustee and current Webb trustee Lance Williams ’97 to support museum outreach and education.
The Gordon A. Wilson Memorial Fund
Established in 1974 in memory of Gordon A. Wilson, who spent 30 years at Webb School of California as a teacher and dean of the school, to provide scholarship support.
The Yang Family Fund
Established in 2017 by Yunsong Yang P ’16 in honor of his daughter Kelsey ’16 to provide general operating funds to the schools in perpetuity.
Min Zhang & Ruoqi Zheng Museum Fund
Established in 2018 by Mr. Min Zhang and Mrs. Ruoqi Zheng in honor of their son, Logan ’21, to endow the Alf Museum and support field research, classroom opportunities, and provide general program support.
Anonymous Fund (3)
FUNDS UP TO $50,000
Adams Family Math Fund
Established in 1990 to furnish and endow the mathematics laboratory, this fund was made possible by generous gifts from the families of Peter Adams ’35 and Morgan Adams, Jr.
The Richard and Kathleen Armour Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by Mrs. Richard Armour, mother of Geoff ’59, to provide scholarship support for deserving students.
Blanchard Organ Endowed Fund
Established in 1996 by William B. Blanchard ’51 to endow the upkeep and maintenance of the Vivian Webb Chapel organ.
Edwin B. Buffum Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1981 in memory of Edwin B. Buffum ’43 by Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bryan ’43 to provide scholarship support.
Class of ’42 Fund
Established to support scholarships for deserving students.
Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2016 by members of the Class of 1966 in honor of their 50th reunion to provide scholarship support.
Class of 1979 Endowed Fund for Teaching and Learning Resources
Established by members of the Class of 1979, this fund supports an innovative and relevant education for Webb students.
Coffin Fund
Established in 1969 by Nancy Coffin, this fund provides scholarship support. Nancy, a former trustee, is the mother and grandmother of 12 graduates of The Webb Schools.
The Jim Dahler Fund for Faculty Excellence
Established and named in memory of a long-term faculty member, The Jim Dahler Fund for Faculty Excellence supports the lives and professional work of talented and dedicated faculty. Few educators embody the spirit of Webb as closely as Jim Dahler did in his 36 years of service. His legacy lives on in the spirit of those he inspired – students, alumni, faculty, staff, and parents who are forever grateful for his numerous contributions and who created this fund in his honor.
Firestone Fund
This scholarship endowment was made possible by Leonard K. Firestone, father of Kimball ’51 and A. Brooks ’54, and the Firestone Foundation.
George F. Getty Memorial Fund
Established in 1973 in memory of George F. Getty ’42 to provide scholarship support.
Hamilton Endowed Chapel Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hamilton ’41, parents of John ’84, to provide upkeep and maintenance of the Vivian Webb Chapel.
George E. Hoag II ’36 Fund
Established in 1950 to provide scholarship support.
H. Earl Hoover II, Fund
Established by life trustee H. Earl (Bud) Hoover ’52, to provide scholarship support.
Robert K. Langstaff Fund
Established in 1977 by Clarence and Mary Langstaff to provide scholarship support.
Liu/Sheng Family Fund for Excellence in History
Created by Yong Liu and Yiwen Sheng P ’27, the Liu/Sheng Fund supports Webb’s history program, specifically the study and research of history by teachers and students.
Ma Family Endowed Fund
Established in 2019 by Peter Ma and Molly Zhou P ’20.
McDermott Family Fund for Excellence in Mandarin
Established in 2017 by Michael McDermott ’83 and Amanda Bi to provide resources for teacher and student development in the area of world languages and cultures. Specifically, these funds will be used to support instruction in Mandarin and provide faculty and students with resources they can use to further their immersion into their study of Mandarin and Chinese culture.
The Malcolm C. McKenna Goler Research Fund
Established in 2008 in memory of Malcolm McKenna ’48, this fund supports fieldwork in the Goler Formation, which includes the study of California’s oldest fossil mammals and the early geologic history of coastal California 60 million years ago.
Timothy C. Moore ’59 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 in honor of his 50th reunion to provide scholarship support.
Muhammed Rizvi Mowjood Library Endowment
Established in 1992 to provide funds to purchase books for the study of Islam, this fund was made possible by friends and relatives in memory of Muhammad Mowjood, father of Rahmi ’90.
Samuel H. Nigh, Jr. ’63 Fund
Established in 1977 by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nigh, parents of Samuel H. Nigh, Jr. ’63, this fund provides an award to the student who has contributed most to the development of the athletic program at Webb School of California.
N. Price Paschall ’67 Fund
Established in 1966 by Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Paschall, parents of Price Paschall ’67, to provide scholarship support.
Pratt Fund
Established in 1983 by Lycurgus (Curgie) Pratt ’52, father of Hewitt L. Pratt ’90, this fund provides scholarship support. Additional gifts to this fund were made by the Class of 1952 in his memory.
William R. Ripley ’60 Scholarship Fund
Established by Richard Dukes ’78 in honor of his former teacher, the William R. Ripley ’60 Scholarship Fund supports students interested in world languages, international relations, and service, areas of study that Bill Ripley excelled in.
The Mary Routt and Robert Routt ’37 Endowed Scholarship
Established in 1983 by Mary Routt and her son, Robert ’37, to provide scholarship support.
The Ruddick Room Endowed Maintenance Fund
Established in 2009 by William M. Ruddick ’49 in honor of his father, former Webb trustee, Harold Milton Ruddick.
The Scripps Library Fund
Established in 1990 by Robert P. Scripps, Jr. ’37 to provide ongoing resources for the purchase of new volumes for the library.
William P. Skinner ’35 Peccary Endowment
Established to provide support for the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology peccary program.
The Thompson and Vivian Webb Excellence in Teaching Award
Established in 1988 by Edmund L. Piper ’43 to recognize excellence in teaching.
The Thompson Webb Memorial Fund
Established in 1974 in memory of the founder of Webb School of California to provide scholarship support.
Anonymous Fund

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