
Ways of Giving

Since our founding in 1922, generosity of mind and spirit and person has made Webb possible. Alumni, parents, and friends over these nearly 100 years have given generously to build faculty houses, classrooms, and dormitories and to support financial aid, faculty development, and more.
As we start our next 100, now more than ever, your philanthropic support is needed for Webb to fulfill its important mission.

Your support can take a variety of forms.


List of 9 items.

  • Cash Gifts

    Many donors can make a gift by credit card online. You may also give by sending a check or money order to The Webb Fund Office, 1175 W. Baseline Road, Claremont, CA 91711. Please note that when you provide a check as payment, you authorize Webb either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. In either case, the transaction will be noted on your bank statement with the check number.
  • Electronic Fund Transfer

    Webb can receive substantial fund transfer from international or domestic accounts. For instruction on how to make an electronic fund transfer, contact Peter Gilman at or (909) 482-5288.
  • Gifts of Securities or Stock

    Donors may realize substantial tax savings by transferring appreciated stock to the schools prior to their sale. Capital gains on the amount of the appreciation are avoided and the donor receives a tax deduction for the full market value. For stock transfer instructions, contact Peter Gilman at or (909) 482-5288 with the stock name, number of shares and anticipated date of transfer.
  • Matching Gifts

    Many companies will match the charitable contributions of their employees. Click here to see if your company will match your gift.
  • Gifts of Real Estate or Property

    Real estate and property that has realized significant appreciation can also provide significant tax consequences for a donor. Similar to the situation with securities, if the ownership of the property is transferred to Webb prior to the sale, the donor will likely avoid capital gains tax associated with that appreciation. Some donors also find it attractive to consider a transfer of full or partial business interests or partnerships.
  • Life Insurance

    Webb can be a total or partial beneficiary of an existing whole life insurance policy, or a new policy may be taken out for this purpose. Life insurance can be used to cover charitable gifts made from your estate. Annuities may also be given to Webb.
  • Bequests & Testamentary Trusts

    Gifts made through your will can be made to The Webb Schools either through a new document or a codicil to an existing will. You may specify a dollar amount, or a piece of personal property, or you may specify a percentage of your total estate. Gifts through bequest may also help reduce federal estate tax liability. For more information, contact Chief Advancement Officer Bob Fass at or (909) 482-5260 or Director of Development Danielle Gordon at or (909) 482-5267.
  • Charitable Trusts & Life Income Plans

    Trust agreements are individually written to accommodate the donor’s wishes. The Development Office can help you make a decision regarding specialized financial plans. However, you are urged to discuss your plans with your attorney and financial advisors. For more information, contact Chief Advancement Officer Bob Fass at or (909) 482-5260 or Director of Development Danielle Gordon at or (909) 482-5267.
  • Remainder Interest in a Personal Residence or Farm

    You may retain a life interest in your home or farm while deeding the property to The Webb Schools. Though you may continue to live in or use the property, you may claim a tax deduction at the time the property is transferred. For more information, contact Chief Advancement Officer Bob Fass at or (909) 482-5260 or Director of Development Danielle Gordon at or (909) 482-5267.

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