
Developing Master Learners & Expansive Thinkers

Webb's academic program is a rigorous college preparatory curriculum designed to cultivate independent thinking, collaborative learning, and effective communication. The program nurtures students who engage deeply with both traditional and emerging disciplines, master essential skills for success in college and beyond and embody key intellectual qualities such as curiosity, a love of learning, and a commitment to integrity and truth.

Courses in the Freshman and Sophomore years form the bedrock of Webb’s CORE Program, where students learn critical thinking skills. During this period, students follow a set curriculum with opportunities to tailor their studies according to their personal interests.
In the Junior and Senior years, students chart their own educational paths, exploring established areas of interest or discovering new ones through a diverse array of unique courses. These courses, both on and off campus, involve academic partnerships, alliances, and relationships, including advanced studies with professors at the Claremont Colleges, opportunities at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and research at the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum as well as Webb’s own Alf Museum of Paleontology.

Throughout Webb's curriculum, we emphasize creative thinking and problem-solving over rote memorization, instilling skills and habits of mind essential for success in college and beyond. Webb students become master learners, adept at addressing problems, asking the right questions, and utilizing various resources to articulate and test their own answers. They are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Guided by faculty who are experts in teaching high-school-aged students and in meeting each student where they are, Webb provides a customized learning experience for every one of our 400+ students. 
Webb’s CORE Program is dynamic, with a curriculum that adapts to reflect students' interests, learning expectations, and the current moment.
    • Students studying biodiversity of a pond on campus
    • A male and female student practice speaking Spanish together in a classroom
    • Students doing an experiment in a science lab

List of 6 items.

  • CORE Program Overview

    The CORE Program comprises foundational, required classes complemented by a diverse array of electives across five disciplines: humanities (combining English and history), mathematics, science, world languages, and fine arts. These courses for freshmen and sophomores are skills-based and multidisciplinary.

    Central to the CORE Program are unique, integrated learning experiences that include both academic and life learning, an example is our Peccary Trips, done with Webb’s the Alf Museum, our on-campus Paleontology museum, the only one in the world on a high-school campus.

    CORE classes are academically challenging and designed to engage students through our unique curriculum and to provide a solid base of skills and understanding for more advanced learning in the following years.

    All students participate in either Unbounded Days or Symposium Days, which are offered in alternating years.
  • CORE Class Example | Evolutionary Biology

    The 9th-grade required evolutionary biology course is a year-long class that combines laboratory and field studies to introduce students to the life sciences. The course develops foundational scientific skills, teaching students how to properly frame and test scientific questions, thereby fostering a mindset of scientific inquiry. Students gain foundational knowledge in evolution, paleontology, cell structure and function, DNA and RNA structure and function, genetics, classification, biodiversity, and bioethics.
    The first semester emphasizes Earth's history, the history of life, evolution over geological time, the cell, and modern genetic practices and theory.
    In the second semester, in partnership with the Neil A. Campbell Science Learning Laboratory at the University of California, Riverside, students learn and use advanced laboratory skills and techniques for genetic research. Students also learn about DNA and ecology.
    The skills and techniques learned in this course are explored and applied in real-world settings. All students participate in a paleontology field trip in collaboration with the Alf Museum, as well as other studies along the coast of Southern California.
    As the first year of a two-year program, Evolutionary Biology provides the foundation, tools, skills, and knowledge necessary for students to advance to upper-level science courses at Webb. Upon successful completion of Integrated Physics & Chemistry in their sophomore year, students will be well-prepared for these advanced studies.
  • Core Class Example | Foundations in Civilization

    The Foundations in Civilization course initiates Webb students into the exploration of history, English, and fine arts. By intersecting knowledge from these three departments, we foster a holistic approach to humanities thinking. Instead of isolating novels, paintings, and architecture from their historical contexts, we study cultures and societies as integrated wholes. The course examines the politics, economics, religions, social norms, and artistic-intellectual life of peoples around the world, balancing breadth and depth of content coverage across both Western and non-Western cultures.
    A key objective of the course is to educate students on interpreting culture through its artifacts at pivotal moments in time. This includes essential primary documents, architectural designs, literary forms, illustrations, and social criticism. This course is required for all freshmen.

  • CORE Program Options

  • CORE Program | Unbounded Days

    Our bi-annual Unbounded Days program provides immersive, collaborative experiences that connect classroom learning to the broader world. During Unbounded Days, students can choose from nearly 30 course offerings, including overnight programs, urban trips, outdoor adventures, and more. These 3–5 day courses are interdisciplinary and experiential, leveraging the rich resources available both on Webb’s campus and in the vibrant Southern California region.
    Unbounded Days embodies The Webb Schools’ mission of inspiring students to discover who they are and what they can achieve. Through deeply engaging journeys that bridge the classroom and the outside world, students broaden their understanding of thinking, creating, and reflecting. They learn that their possibilities and minds are truly unbounded.
    Learn More About Unbounded Days!
  • CORE Program | Honor & Leadership Symposium

    Symposium Days are a long-standing, bi-annual Webb program that provides a forum for students and teachers to engage with new ideas. With a focus on honor and leadership, this year’s Symposium Days present an inspiring, interactive program where students learn and practice skills associated with these core values.
    This beyond-the-classroom learning experience offers a variety of active and reflective workshops designed to inspire and equip students with honor and leadership skills. Through creative, hands-on learning, students delve into new concepts and subjects in ways not possible in a traditional classroom setting. They acquire valuable knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of crucial leadership skills such as time management, teamwork, creativity, resilience, effective communication, cultural competencies, individualism vs. collectivism, and the importance of learning through failure.
    Workshops that emphasize students' potential to impact the world and become resilient leaders empower them and build confidence. These workshops, designed and presented by students, teachers, alumni, and friends of Webb, explore and address critical issues in leadership, encouraging students to discover solutions and implement change.
    Over the course of three days, this research-based, interactive leadership program inspires students to transform their campus, community, and the world. They leave with actionable takeaways and the courage to become the best versions of themselves. Opportunities abound for students to contribute to the betterment of their campus community through experiential learning, fostering unity, and the development of lifelong leadership skills.
"In my years of teaching at Webb, I’ve never taught a class the same way twice. Webb teachers take pride in this dynamic approach. We strive to make our lessons relevant to meet the students where they are right now, not where they were 10 years ago or what worked 5 years ago. We're not trying to predict the future; instead, we focus on meeting them in the present and preparing them for what lies ahead."

    • students and teacher in small group
    • student looking at rock formation
    • students studying outdoors
    • student and teacher in classroom
    • regeneron award winning student presentation

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