List Detail

Affinity and DEIB Work Groups

Affinity Family Group: A group for affiliates/parents/guardians with students in any affinity group. Meets a few times a year for speakers, education, and office updates.
Asian Affinity Group: A group that cultivates an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for students of Asian heritage.
Black Affinity Group: A group that cultivates an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for students of Black and African American heritage.
BIPOC Residential Affinity Group: Provides a safe and welcoming space for boarders who identify as students of color to share experiences, stories, struggles that are associated with being a boarder.
BIPOC Faculty/Staff: A group that cultivates an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for all adult BIPOC employees.
Community Read: A shared reading experience where faculty, staff and students are all welcome to read and discuss one book. These books represent different abilities, cultures, beliefs, and skin colors and help us change our attitude toward those differences.
Diversity Learning Group: A space open to all Webb employees to discuss and learn about various DEIB topics from both a staff and faculty perspective.
ESVI (Empowering Student Voices Initiative): A group that promotes student voice regarding identity, equity, and justice by creating platforms for discussion and facilitating community-wide education.
FLIers (First Generation/Low Income Affinity Group): A space dedicated to bettering the lives of low-income and first-gen students at Webb through sharing experiences and resources.
Hong Kong Affinity Group: A group that cultivates an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for students of Hong Kong heritage.
Latinos Unidos: Supporting and advocating for Latino/e Webb students and celebrating Latino/e history and culture.
LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group: Supporting and advocating for queer Webb students through information on issues, history and activism; providing our queer students a safe environment where they can express themselves.
Mixed Affinity Group: Cultivating an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for students of multicultural/multiethnic/multiracial heritage.
QTSOCs (Queer, Trans Students of Color): A group that cultivates an inclusive, empowering space within the Webb community for Queer, Trans Students of Color.
Storytelling Session: A space open to faculty, staff, and students to hear from different members of the Webb community in their own words.
Student Affinity Lunch: Monthly lunches throughout the school year for any and all students in any of the affinity groups to commune and share updates.
Student JEDI’s: Quarterly meetings for student leader representatives from each major Webb leadership group to hear updates about various DEIB student engagement groups. These representatives are meant to disseminate this information back to their respective leadership groups.
White Anti-Racist Group: An opportunity for white Webb faculty and staff who want to stand in solidarity with and support Webb’s BIPOC community as we collectively work to become a more equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist organization.

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