
Are we a match?

Are we a match?

  • Do you like to move around in class and DO things rather than sit and listen?

  • Do you like being creative and working with other people to solve problems?

  • Do you want to live in a warm, Mediterranean climate year-round?

  • Do you like to try new things, even if they don't all work the way you imagined they would?
  • Do you like to learn AND have fun?
  • Do you like meeting people from around the world?

  • Do you want to be academically challenged?

  • Do you want to ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon? 

  • Do you want to play a big part in determining what you study in high school?

If you answered YES to any of the above, Webb may be a good fit!
    • students in library
    • students on campus with flowers
    • students smiling in the desert on a paleontology trip

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